LATEST RELEASE! "Blues and Love" by
the Mark
Austin Blues Project "I'm playing everything on this one" amazon here spotify here youtube here
here from the band at
spotify acoustic version on
here amazon here youtube acoustic youtube band
There is a level of life beyond the waking moment. Know thyself. A universe lives in the silence and in the other 99 octaves of light we don't see. There is much to connect with. More awaits than could be anticipated or even imagined. It doesn't cost a dime and no-one forces anything on you. Simply sit in silence connecting your attention to the space in between the thoughts. Life really lives in the vastness of the still moment. Stillness literally holds the key to the door of eternity, in terms of our awareness. Can we get so still we can get out of our body? My hope is that we may begin to re-realize our Identity of connected-ness to Ourselves and Mother Earth in the "now," or present moment of eternity in which we live. |
JOURNEY WITHOUT DISTANCEin the moment....I can feel it in the moment a journey without
distance like the echoe of
a melody faintly coming back to me
a journey without
distance I hear that voice
again. It sings me to sleep
a journey without
distance Footprints of the
angels whisper oh so sweet
a journey without
distance words and music by
Mark Austin © 1994