September 13, 1993
Lesson #26: The call to God.
Let us begin to trust the Father in a greater way than
before. Let us rejoice that you are able to allow
the Father to be with you in all that transpires in
your life. You have all that is needed to open the
door for him to address you in a more intimate way.
Ask the Father for ideas so that you can get closer
to him. Your wish to be closer to the Father is always
something that the Father wishes, too.
How can you get closer to God? We ask each one of
you to make a list and bring it to the meeting. Keep
your lessons together and available for these meetings.
Bring them with you. You never know when you will
need them. We suggest that you have a notebook to
write in, also. Keep your recorded thoughts about
the lessons in this notebook so that you can look and
actually see your thoughts and your questions so that
you can bring them to us for answering. They will
be recorded and ready for use in our evenings with
We shall refer to this notebook as your workbook about
the lessons. Record your work on each lesson and do
something extra. One suggestion would be to research
some one of the concepts for your own benefit. Enlarge
your knowledge on a topic you are interested in. You
will then see your growth mount higher and your relationship
with the Father become closer.
When you keep in mind that the main idea of this mission
and your lessons is to get closer to the Father, you
will again maintain this focus as the main topic of
your thoughts. Not only will you become more familiar
with the Father, but you will automatically reach to
others to share and to question your fellows about
their ideas that they may have researched. This will
begin to show your interest in a greater way than before.
Each person has personal topics about certain subjects
that will accommodate and be of interest to all other
Your work is just now beginning.
You are seeing that you enjoy the work and it now appears
to us that it isn't work anymore, but something that
you desire above all else. It could now be labeled
as ,your wishes., Can it be called a hobby? What
will you ,call, investing your time in searching for
the Father's answers? It is more than a hobby and it
isn't work, but can it be called something that you
,will, to happen? Oh dear children, it is our wish
that you come up with a good name for this search that
you are pursuing as the very core of your being. It
is more than survival. It is for your very existence
in the temporal world. And once you have started on
your way, it will be; there is no stopping it from
Could it be named your ,call to God,? Each of you
is calling to the Father for his help and for his love.
You each seek to know the Father better and you ask
for his guidance in your everyday life.
The Father hears your calls and he answers. Yes, the
Father truly does answer you in some way. Each one
receives an answer. Look to be aware of the answers.
How will you be aware of answers if you aren't aware
of getting/receiving them. Watch and you will see
that this is very true. Each one has the ability to
receive from the Father. His answers come to you,the
answers filter down to your mind. Take up these answers
and use them. The Father awaits with anticipation
while you take these answers out to experience them
in your life. Nothing is real until you have thoroughly
experienced it. It is yours when this happens. Your
truth is encased in your very soul.
The call to God goes out and you receive. Then you
place this information before your fellows. You show
others how to see this truth in their life. By the
way you live, by your words, by your feelings,these
are expressions of what you know, of what you are.
Proof is in the way you are. Come to the Father quietly
and with joyful song. In this love, you will see that
the Father stays near and answers your calls in some
You can believe and trust the Father's answers. Diligently,
you respond to the Father's words by dealing with the
issues that confuse you and so now you have expanded
your spiritual growth. Your growth leads you along.
Each time you receive an answer and you put the answer
into action, you will have verification that this cycle
of calling on the Father to talk about your needs can
be trusted. Call forth the best in you from the Father
when you take the answer out to others and use it in
your life. Be alert to hear the answers. Stay in the
flow of love with God. Trust his words and live on
this level by flowing into the deeds of love the Father
himself wishes you to take up. Wisdom accumulates
as you listen to the Father and YOU ANSWER HIS CALLS.
You are putting into action a system of intercommunication.
Briefly, let us caution you to allow common sense and
reason to authenticate the answers from God. In reasonableness,
you will be assured that God has given to you something
of value. We don't expect you to accept something
that you would recognize as not for you or not being
true. We trust your discretion in this matter.
Calling to the Father for your answers will set up
a two-way communication as your recognition of the
Father's voice becomes clearer. His voice will no
longer be distant,that distant echo,it will be clearer.
Have faith in the Father's wishes that touch your
mind by continually listening to his ideas as they
filter down to you.
In the Father's love, you will know what to do. In
the Father's love, you live a more directly guided
existence. In the Father's love, your heart will be
of gladness. In the Father's love, you will flow into
the right action or you will ask of yourself: How could
I have better executed that transaction? Stay in the
fluid love of eternal thanksgiving. Stay centered
in the Father's love. Stay wisely in the Father's
love which will lead ever upward.
In all your rightfulness of Supreme potential, choose
what you would know of as Michael's way. Your heart
may be right, but your thoughts/reason may not be accurate.
We realize mostly that your hearts are beginning to
find love to share, and we also notice that your interpersonal
skills are increasing. These two combinations are
very powerful as you hone in on love as the highest
way to act. Love knows the way. It always acts graciously
and with fairness for all concerned. Yes, this includes
acting for the highest good in behalf of your own welfare
as well.
We are not speaking of selfishness but fairness for
all. How you would treat another is very often how
you would treat yourself. Or do you allow others to
walk over you, but you give them mercy and love? Can
the Father help remedy this situation? Let the Spirit
of Truth breathe life into the correct way to proceed.
How did Michael handle situations as these? Bring
to the forefront of your mind all ideas on this topic
and ask us your questions,all ideas that your mind
brings forward.
Dear children, blessed be the ones who walk forward
with Jesus by their side. Then questions will come
forth. These are the questions that we desire to answer
for you. You will encounter many people of different
cultures and values throughout your life so, therefore
you will become more tolerant of others' ways. So
in learning to deal with so many different people of
unusual thinking, you need to be equipped with many
interpersonal skills which will serve you well. You
will realize that this training of which we speak here
will enhance your verbal skills as well as building
your self-confidence. To walk with your brothers and
sisters with self-assurance and with love entails studying
and experiencing these concepts first hand.
Who will motivate you to take these steps forward?
In your higher developmental knowledge, you will gladly
be the one to step into these habits of taking time
to develop more skills to share with your fellowmen.
Your motivational energies will produce all the yearnings
of will power that you will need to acquire to accomplish
these sharings. In other words, your desires are enough
to carry you inward as you seek to actualize the truth
Being sincere as a student, as continually you teach
what you acquire, corrects needless behavior. The
good pushes out the unsuccessful techniques that bring
forth unnecessary reactions in others. What are we
talking about here? We are referring to only adding
to what someone knows, but never trying to take concepts
away. Barriers never develop between two people if
you apply all the workable truth that you know. Much
of your knowledge is kept in reserve for a rainy day
or it's just truth that you know. We ask you to bring
out all that you hold in your mind as workable ideas
to be used.
Face the truth, accept our words. For in realizing
that you have much truth to use, your mind will bring
up these ideas for consideration. Some knowledge you
keep in the back of your mind because you aren't sure
how to apply it in real life situations.
Let us help you look outward to your actions. This
is a proof of your inward life. Your intentions are
sincere and worthy. We praise these qualities. We,
the teachers, will assist you to see yourself as you
really are. Allow us to be with you personally more
often and address these questions to your personal
teachers. They are here primarily to help you individually
to grow and progress under their loving tutelage.
These personal teachers will show you the way in adding
to your knowledge, and by doing this, they will be
taking you directly into the spiritual life of an active
participant who can willingly produce the fruits of
the spirit. As Jesus said, ,By their fruits you shall
know them., And this is the key to outward signs of
spiritual growth. Besides these signs, there will be
a noticeable difference in the person's outlook. Specifically
speaking, extended tolerance to others is one of the
most noticeable delightful changes that occur by living
in the Father's love.
Duty then becomes more a willful expression of love
as you can act no other way. You delight to be the
Father's partner in his suggestions of the best way
to go. The First Source and Center can only act in
love. His way will show you the goodness that can
be expressed in beauty. All love is of the Eternal
Father. His satisfaction comes into full power as
you, too, have satisfaction in discovering that your
will is best matched to the brother of all, Michael's
will. In peace of heart and mind, you see that Michael's
wishes are for all to live in love. This will happen
sooner than you think it will. Keep hope in your sight
as you listen each day to the media on your planet.
Keep your sights and keep your minds stayed on him
who made you.
God truly loves and cares about each one of his children.
He desires that you all shall be safe and sure in
his arms of comfort and assurance that all is well
in the universe. That his words are true. Peace shall
come to your world and shall be a beautiful sight to
behold. We all are here to make these hopes and desires
come forth in fruitful loving acts of all who desire
to participate actively in Michael's mission for peace.
Shall we begin with you, our group of students? Yes,
you have distinctively witnessed this happening in
only a short allotted time span. Yes, you have been
an eye witness. Does this not prove that it is possible?
Does this not serve you well as you share with the
many persons with whom you come into contact? Think
about what we say, and take these ideas out into the
Spread these ideas instead of accepting fear that comes
from hearing of many acts of violence. Yes, we completely
trust you will not take up the fear, but many of your
fellowmen do not have a personal relationship with
the fearless inner guide, your Father. This idea alone
will help change the world.
Yes! If one group can come to terms in peaceful pursuits,
then all can happen in like manner. Think in terms
of potentials becoming realities. Dear daughters and
sons of Michael believe that ALL is possible with God.
Think in potentials. See potentials of another as
being closer and nearer to eventuating in the near
future instead of so far away. Think practical, but
also in potentials. This can be tricky but nevertheless
truthful. Stop seeing potentials as far away. Some
potentials are in the budding stage and are just not
quite realized in this moment. We don't look to the
distance because we believe that ,now potentials, are
waiting to be used, to be expressed. This revised
picture of others will encourage and lure you, the
observer, to see in the three dimensional.
That is, seeing the good intentions of the person,
seeing the abilities of the person, and seeing how
these two combined can reach into rightful action,
potential for growth. When someone expects the best
from you, what happens? In their eyes, you will look
at yourself differently. And too, you see the best
in yourself. When someone looks for the best in you,
what happens? You live up to their expectations!
So you might say to another then: You may be having
a confusion attack now, but I can see you as a person
who is willing to work through to clarity. Thus, you
have great enthusiasm to grow. You might see the person
who is selfish as a person with the potential for showing
great kindnesses to others as they are acutely aware
of how to treat themselves. Turn your sight around,
taking the undesirable as tomorrow's potential good.
You will be seeing the budding potential that is about
to emerge,to appear. If someone is there to encourage
this new seed to florish and take root, it more likely
will happen. What would you have for yourself? Then
do this to others. Surprise your fellows; see the
best that you can see as you observe them going about
their everyday living.
Let the lessons begin to slow down and let us have
a review of all transcripts. Read our words to you.
Read our words to you, and let's talk about them.
In love of the Father and in Michael's love we all
are blessed in this goodness.
Anastacia, your teacher of love.
Completed October 9,1993