August 19, 1993
Lesson #25: Be friendly, be wise, but reach out to others in the world.
So it is on your world that discretion is the key to
your safety when you reach out to others. We, above
all, want you to be safe and happy. Our group here
nears the completion of our work of your wishes. Twist
not our words. We are not leaving you nor disbanding
our group. No, we are here to teach you as you go
about teaching others. Let our words be stated clearly
in your mind that we are here for you in this capacity.
We need now to take up a task to work on. Lessons
are enlightenment and are to be put into practice as
you are willingly able to give them to others. We
see the time arriving that you will not be content
to contain these lessons/enlightenment inside. You
are seeing the need to start sharing to other groups
or maybe in your immediate neighborhoods in a more
concentrated movement. You are busy with your duties.
We see this is true of each one. How, then, can you
share to a greater degree than before? How can you
reach more people than before?
It is often that we see you delving into different
topics to study, and we often wish that you would consider
seriously studying the life of Jesus, especially in
his life that was spent as a teacher. You are able
to see then how an effective teacher goes about his
work each day of life as you go about your life. You
will encounter many situational circumstances that
will allow you to blend your knowledge with the Master's
way of teaching. Yes, it encompasses much that could
be put into practice immediately. Also, it is ready
enlightenment that you have already in your possession.
Do you see what we speak of here?
Please allow us to speak with you in your Monday night
meeting, if you are agreeable. Of course, this is
our request. We see you are becoming acquainted with
us and, as spoken of before, we are grateful for this.
You are not so awestruck but are beginning to treat
us in a more normal, casual way. This means that we
are completing what we have come here to teach. We
are your friends and cohorts in this work. You do
respect our words and use them. Yes, we feel that
you are comfortable around us and are placing more
important and useful questions before us. This is
as was planned, and you haven't asked but few questions
that we term only to satisfy the curiosity.
Now for the present time, we have much more enlightenment
that you do not possess in the UBook. There is much
we can teach you. There is much left out of the UBook
about the daily routine, the daily living. We have
heard you comment on this awareness yourselves. Is
this not so? And yet, much is suggested for the astute
reader to glean from Urantia Papers. We are here to
place emphasis on these ever gentle suggestions that
many may pass over. You are our students, and you
know we place great emphasis on giving and willingly
passing love to others. We ask you each to consciously
put this idea into the very core of your being,into
your heart, into your mind, and let it saturate your
soul. Love can bring you happiness when applied and
gently handed to each soul that you meet. Words are
not always needed but the feelings can pass between
two people, and they are aware that they received something
of value. Do you agree?
Time is not always allotted to you in which to speak
of higher values to others. So in all your dealings
with others, place the love factor above all else and
let love flow from your heart. Let the diamond sparkle
with light into their God within. Let the Father help
you turn someone into a loving person by extending
to them the passing forth of loving thoughts. Do you
see what we are speaking about here?
Be gentle with yourselves and with others by mentally
asking the Father's or Michael's presence to walk along
with you as you go forth in his honor. As we have
said before, stop and wait if things develop that aren't
loving. You will accomplish more if you learn this
practical habit of backing off with some words that
tell the other person ,that with a moment of quiet,,
we will then proceed forward with love that will benefit
us both.
You can speak to your loved ones with these words,
as they indeed know you are in a group that is intended
to teach spiritual procedures. Your loved ones will
benefit too if you speak of the process of letting
love dominate your every action. You are this love
dominated person now, and you are willing to act and
speak of the benefits and blessings that are derived
from living such a life.
So many of your fellow men are searching for the very
love that you have experienced and know for a certainty
that you won't be without it. Love has been topic
in the songs you sing and has been the subject of many
of your ,how-to, books. Love comes to the person who
gives it to others. That is believing in the mercy
principle. Mercy is applied love. Your guests, family,
your neighbors, your fellow men, are seeking to have
love applied to them. They are weary from worry and
needless, maddening experiences that they live through
now. Put love in the path of all that you can and
your life will be enriched a thousand-fold. You are
the blessed ones who know and you are the ones to give
the Father's love to each person, one by one.
How can you be the gentle person that you are and yet
manage to get along with most of your fellows? Is
this a question that needs to be addressed in the group?
How can you be the gentle person who shows love when
others do not appear to respond? How do you act then?
Do you allow others to be rude to you continually?
Do you allow others to treat you with hateful spite?
What can you do in circumstances as these? What is
this person saying about themselves when they act so
unpleasantly? Do they need help? Are they asking
for help? Love is the answer. But can you stand up
for yourself assertively and be loving too? Ask us
these questions. Take advantage of our time together
and ask your questions that truly concern you about
real life circumstances that you face each day.
Life is life. Problems arise that are not pleasant
to handle. Things happen to nice people, but can they
be handled with love and with self assurance that will
enable others to take responsibility for their own
actions? Who will take up this topic? Do the research
necessary from your known resources and present it
to the group. This is a topic that will reappear again
and again in your groups until you have addressed it
thoroughly and so that each person is schooled with
the correct way to act. In assurance of knowledge-reason,
you will receive faith-insight answers. Each question
will have an answer. Each action will lead you to
another question, but you will know for a certainty
what to do.
This will prove valuable in setting up your groups
and allowing ,order, to be the tone of your meetings.
Each one of you can see that you are responsible for
your own actions. Each one of you can see that you,
each one, can be more responsible for the greatest
order of good to come from your meetings. We ask you
to look again at the time available to us to speak
in your meeting, and we ask again to help you in your
lessons. To speak with you while you discuss the lessons
after you have read them and you are concluding what
is valuable for you. May we suggest then, that you
read the lessons on Sunday and have a exercise with
them so you can place these words into your consciousness?
Words can be learned and retained in the mind but
experience will be the test to put the information
into practice. Knowing and experiencing something
are two entirely different opposites. Give yourself
time to really learn what we talk about in the lessons.
Many of you are indeed trying and seriously taking
our words to heart, but time will become your friend
in really experiencing what we are talking about.
Yes, you do have to experience something to really
possess it in your soul.
Can you help us help you more fully? We see you each
going about your life and enjoying the growth that
has come from our work together. You have grown spiritually
from our being together. So we are speaking of being
willing to take more responsibility for the group by
being more open to sharing more of your talents. As
also, we see that each one could indeed be a spokesperson
for conducting the meetings. Only a few have taken
up this responsibility. If you, indeed, take a turn
at conducting the meetings, you will understand what
the moderator goes through to lead the group in an
orderly fashion. Also, if you take your turn leading,
you will understand the fairness in allowing time for
each person to have their time to speak.
Let us help you adjust more quickly to change. Let
us be with you when you ask these questions. We are
certainly amiable to these questions that will greatly
benefit you and many others. Your lessons, when mailed
out to other groups, will be received with wonder and
love. So let us ask again for your mailings to begin,
for your questions to begin on questions that will
change your life toward a more gentler manner and toward
love as the flame of life to be expressed in all that
you do. We are positive that you want these similar
blessings that we value as well. You need not worry
that you are not asking the right questions but you
can be sure if you are asking the questions that greatly
change your life.
Now we will ask you again to begin to feast on life
in the brightness and liveliness of really living.
Take the risks in the Father's love. Step forward,
learn as you share, and you will have questions galore
for us that are from your own experience. You live
each day and you learn that your life needs to be adjusted
to the Father's will. These adjustments will formulate
into new patterns; and when new patterns begin to shape
your very actions, you see the need for more help.
Of course, the Father waits for these questions, too.
He is ever near you and of you.
When you share you learning experiences with the group,
they see, too. They benefit from your sharing. We
ask of you to be the person who will share out what
you have learned and what you need to proceed forward
now. Many of you are shy about talking about your
growth. Many of you are not aware of what you are
learning but so many of you do insist that learning
be like the wind that blows each day. You take up
the task of teaching because you want to assist others
in the best way for you, and in doing this you see
much. Sharing teaches you so much. Sharing teaches
you about loving deeds. Sharing teaches you that you
want to act no other way but in love. Duties call
you each day but love remains something that is your
choice to share.
Be with us more and you will see the beauty of living.
Beauty in living comes from sharing the best within
you. You will have all that you can handle if you
allow us to assist you grow each day. In order for
growth to occur, you must be the willing learner.
You must be the one to ask for the necessary help.
Your life becomes more beautiful as you believe that
help is available and you have faith that the Father
waits for this request from you. If you direct God
to always help you grow each day in his love, then,
yes, it will be so.
Now for the closing statements. Our love is near you
always, too. Each day your personal teachers walk
the walk that you take in your life. They are with
you no matter what happens. Yes, they are there by
your side. This help continues as long as you want
it to. You are not sure sometimes if your personal
teachers are about you. Test situations by silently
asking them to assist you and you will then have more
power added to your work. Do you see why it can be
said that your work will produce more, for you have
so much more help than before. You see the benefits
but do you see this manpower as precious? It is something
to be used. Use your time to benefit your teachers
also. Think about this, too.
Dear students, we love you with all our might. Your
work in the Father's name has been noted. You are
making a difference. Be proud and be humble that this
is so. Have faith and let us emphasize the word faith.
Faith takes you forward at a safe speed, but you can
be assured that you will be going forward. Trusting
the Father's will as your will because he knows best
is to have the faith that he does know all and he does
know the best way to proceed. You are only as great
as the faith you have in the Father. It is here that
we see the group needs an urging to include your faith
in the thinking you do each day. Remind yourself that
faith can help solve problems by knowing and trusting
that when you do your part the Father will do his part.
It is this mutual trust in this arrangement that your
group needs the gentle reminder. Adjust your mind
to the Father's by accepting his daily help. And how
do you do this? When you set your mind's will to this
adjustment in your thinking. Trust the Father will
help, trust the Father's knowledge, trust in his ability
to be ever present to see the need.
Be sure when you set your faith in the Father as something
that is there,available,you will live on still another
higher plane. The best road to tread is living in
the Father's love, and you have the faith to know that
this is true. This is a concept that you have to experience
day in and day out. You will see the beauty in having
this faith.
Now let us close and the Father's blessing be with
you as you direct your will to his.
Your teachers, Anastacia and Ordon.