April 27, 1993
[Recorded by Jeannie from A&O.]
Lesson #11: Open your heart and open your mind to the Father.
The mind has much to process from the past few days
away at the materialization. We see the group adjusting
in a higher attitude of thinking,the spiritual way
of handling your problems.
Be with the peace you have found. Much will be added
to your work by steadily proceeding forward. Your work
was so successful. We appreciate your kind words to
others during the event. Can you see that being prepared
will help you in any situation. Yes, when you begin
to think about situations before you reach out, you
will begin to marvel at the fewer times you will encounter
disappointment by simply doing your preparatory work
beforehand. Allow us to enlarge on this work sometime
Now, we would like to suggest that to keep your mind
alert, start looking more closely at what is not working
out in your life. Accept it as a lesson; look and learn.
Keep the good from the lesson and apply it to your
future. Gather this knowledge from the memory, your
wisdom, and remember to apply it to the decisions you
will be making in the future.
You are learning quickly to adjust when situations
arise that are difficult. You are bringing your mind
into a higher awareness. This new self-control gives
you new freedom. Now, you will see what freedom can
be. It is applying what you know to real life events,
as you are in control of your decisions.
Your attitudes are being adjusted into the mota way
of living. Accepting what you can't change and moving
on. Changing what you can that you're responsible for
and moving on. You are staying in the flow of the Father's
love when you do this. You are not using up so much
energy. It is making you a more effective worker.
If you can't change quickly and you get into worry
and fretting, you do lower your vibrational levels.
These levels are your business. Watch your attitude
and put a watch on your mouth. This is your work or
your business. But as we mentioned before, you will
see these unhelpful and draining moods drop away as
you get more involved in serving your fellow men, also
as you more diligently seek closer contact with the
Nothing can keep you from God but yourself. You keep
yourself from God by your own decisions. If you don't
seek the Father, you will have a harder time in displaying
gentleness in all opportunities. Love will always help
you grow gracefully, wisely, and keep your disposition
sweet and refreshed.
No one wants to stay on the lower levels. It causes
pain. It causes stress. It causes you worry because
you aren't sure of what to do and how to go. Stay close
to your inner sanctum where God lives. Bring all to
his care and helpful assistance. Keep still in the
silence and listen. Be loving children of God. Be his
faithful child by your willing nearness.
All is well in the Father's universe. Especially are
we referring to recent events and to your own arena
of life, where you live daily. When you live according
to your highest ideals you are living close to God.
When you put these ideals into useful ideas, then you
are able to work for God most efficiently. Your day
flows, your work is enjoyable, and you are happy because
of this way of expression of living.
You are faithful daughters and sons. We give thanks
for your dedication. We thank God for each worker in
our group. We thank God for the love you so freely
give to each other. We thank the Father for the love
you so freely extend to your fellowmen.
Now, we will say how grateful we are that you heeded
our words about the event. You were prepared. You listened
and did the work. All gifts that we receive from you
are greatly appreciated, but the best gift that we
as your teachers got was the feedback from the other
teachers. They loved the help you so generously gave
to their group members. Yes, it was noticed.
My dears, all is noticed. Everything is noticed. We
know you well. We love you and we willingly without
complaint spent hours and hours with you.
Directly with you, and around you all now are your
own personal teachers. You have the ability to communicate
with them if you wish. The power is there for each
to take advantage of this communication. The new energy
that was given to each one will help in making this
possible. Do not worry if it is new to you, if it doesn't
happen immediately. All comes in time with patience
and practice.
Gently knock on the door and it will open as your minds
have been opened by your own freewill. It will be,
as you each take the time necessary to be in tune with
your new friend and loving guide. They are indeed waiting
to be asked to be closer with you. Ask and you shall
find, seek and you shall hear.
This is what you have longed for, a true friend who
understands you and will be ready for your invitation
to be with them. You need not be afraid for this is
a joyful way to be lead as you become closer to your
Adjusters. This friend will be close and gently helping
you as they take their guidance from the Adjusters.
Be in peace, all the help you could possibly need is
there waiting. Our job will still be as it has been
before, your group leaders. We too have had an awakening
while at the event and that was an energized boost
of power so that we too can be of more assistance than
before. You will see what we are talking about as we
begin again to work in our circle.
Now we can suggest some more ways that this new energy
can be so fruitfully applied. Yes, you can extend this
power to your life by using it more widely. We will
let you experiment. Try to find this out for yourself.
You can begin to allow your thinking to explore the
We were indeed proud of you all at the event. It was
our privilege to see your work so widely spread around.
Nothing went unnoticed. On the train, during the event,
and at the materialization your willingness to participate
inspired many of your fellow workers as well as your
fellow travelers. Yes, you are doers. Yes, you are
the openhearted and the brave.
We will say how proud we were of you again. In our
love, you have prospered. In our love you gained insight.
In your willingness to love, you gained knowledge of
the most valuable kind.
Also, you actually experienced the Adjuster's love
in a more direct way than before. You were allowed
time with the Adjuster at the event. This moment was
given. Each will gain more than you can imagine from
your participation. You will WANT to be in silence
with the Father. You may have already come to this
awareness. As we said nothing can keep you from the
Adjuster. Not even your daily chores, etc. No, nothing
will be as important now as keeping close to your Father.